Florence Madden

Florence Madden

Florence is an ANLP Accredited Trainer and Executive Coach based in Cumbria, working with organisations and individuals in the private, public and third sector.

ANLP Roles

Florence Madden is the ANLP Regional Ambassador for Cumbria.

Florence is an ANLP Accredited Trainer and Executive Coach based in Cumbria, working with organisations and individuals in the private, public and third sector. She runs her open NLP courses in the lovely Lake District, and also develops in-house bespoke programmes for organisations, on the full range of management and personal skills, informed by NLP.

Her NLP journey started with a ‘Taster’ day in 1998 at Greystoke Castle in Cumbria, (the home of Tarzan!), which was run by Sarah Frossell.  Inspired by this, and for reasons she couldn’t fully express at the time, she felt that NLP was going to be important to her future and needed the time off to do her Practitioner and Master Practitioner. In her pack from the ‘Taster’ day she found the ‘Well Formed Outcome’ process and put her outcome through it. The effect was transformational to her subsequent discussion with her line manager and her determination felt unshakable. As a result her employer both gave her the time to do it and paid for it – a huge ‘convincer’ about the power of the NLP approach and how right she was to pursue it.

It also turned out to be the catalyst to her decision to give up her role as a Management Development Manager and set up her own business, which she did in 2002. Her curiosity and passion for her own development continued promising herself to invest in her own learning every year, and so it has.  On one occasion a course delegate asked to train with her in NLP and when Florence explained she wasn’t an NLP Trainer, the reply came “I suggest you get yourself booked on a course!” Following that prompt, amongst other things, she trained as an NLP Trainer initially with Sue Knight, and also more recently with Robert Dilts, Judith Delozier, Judith Lowe and Robbie Steinhouse through the NLP University. She has also trained as a New Code NLP Practitioner with John Grinder. 

By her own admission she became the ‘accidental author’ of her first book ‘The Intention Impact Conundrum’ in 2018 as a result of another prompt from a course delegate! This was followed in 2019 when she co-authored ‘Everyday NLP’ with her friend and associate Eleni Sarantinou. This book has since become the pre-course reading for their NLP Business Practitioner courses.  

Since early 2020, is also now a podcaster on all things NLP, (Everyday NLP Bites), presenting by herself on various NLP topics and laterally in conversation with other NLP Trainers and Coaches discussing how they have used NLP in their everyday life and work. Her mission is to help people to see NLP not as ‘specialist’ but as an approach that can help in our everyday life and work situations.

Her business  is Florence Madden Associates and you can find out more on her website

You can access her ‘Everyday NLP Bites’ podcasts/videos on:

Anchor FM


Or however you get your podcasts!!

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